With God, All Things Are Possible.
"Reaching the World With the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Welcome to Life Television Network WGOX-36, covering the Mobile market, Southern Alabama, Florida, Mississippi Gulf Coast region.
We here at Life Television Network WGOX Channel 36 want to express our thanks and appreciation for you taking time to visit our website.
We are a family, inspirational, educational, and informative television network.
Life Television Network can also be viewed on several set-top streaming boxes and Smart Televisions, ROKU, Apple TV, Google TV, Firestick, Amazon Television, Chrome Cast, YouTube, Glorystar TV Streaming box and satellite systems.
Once again, thank you! We here at Life Television Network hope you find this website informative and inspiring.
Why Should You Partner With Life Television Network?
Life Television is a 501C-3 tax exempt Christian-operated Evangelistic outreach with a commitment to delivering wholesome family entertainment to the world through the media of television broadcasting.
When you partner with us, you aid in the fulfillment of the Word of Jesus when He said, "This gospel must be preached to all nations."
Here at Life Television we believe that we can do more together than we can apart.
Your love gift of any amount is seed invested in good ground, and you'll be part of the end-time global harvest of souls.
351 S. Craft Hwy.
Chickasaw, AL 36611
Phone (251) 456-2652 x.41
Fax: (251) 456-2654
E-mail: Lifetelevision@aol.com
Web: www.wordoflifetv.org